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Film of the Day: Man On the Moon


Ne Zha gets a PG age rating in the UK for mild violence, threat, injury detail, language, rude humour

Ne Zha gets a PG age rating in the UK for mild violence, threat, injury detail, language, rude humour

Robert Hyde

Ne Zha
Ne Zha is a Chinese animated film that has already been a massive hit in its native China and its has been given a PG age rating in the UK.

The film has grossed $600 Million globally so far and is set to hit the UK on 30th August.

The film is a Mandarin language animated adventure based on a Chinese mythological story from the The Investiture of the Gods, it is directed by Yu Yang.

The BBFC have passed the film uncut as a PG due to mild violence, threat, injury detail, language, rude humour and it has a runtime of 110 minutes (1 hour 50 minutes).

BBFC page on Ne Zha

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