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Ad Astra is given a 12A age rating in the UK for infrequent strong language, moderate violence, threat, gory images

Ad Astra is given a 12A age rating in the UK for infrequent strong language, moderate violence, threat, gory images

Robert Hyde

Ad Astra
Starring Brad Pitt, the BBFC have given Ad Astra a 12A age rating in the UK.

12A certificate

Ad Astra is a space drama directed by James Gray where an astronaut must travel across a treacherous area of space to find his father who has been missing for 30 years.

The trailers for the film have been positively received and there has even been mention of an Oscar nomination for star Brad Pitt.

The BBFC have given the film a 12A age rating for infrequent strong language, moderate violence, threat, gory images and the film has a runtime of 122 minutes (2 hours 2 minutes) and a release date of 18th September 2019.

BBFC link

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