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Film of the Day: Man On the Moon


Terminator: Dark Fate has been given a 15 age rating in the UK for strong violence, bloody images, language

Terminator: Dark Fate has been given a 15 age rating in the UK for strong violence, bloody images, language

Robert Hyde

Terminator: Dark Fate
Starring for the first time since Terminator 2: Judgement Day Arnold Schwarzenegger and Linda Hamilton Terminator: Dark Fate has been given a 15 age rating in the UK.

15 Age Rating

The movie is directed by Tim Miller this time, although original series director James Cameron has come up with the story and claims this is the first true sequel to 1992's Terminator 2.

It is 27 years later and Hamilton's Sarah Connor is still trying to rid the world of Terminators, while Schwarzenegger's Terminator seems to be living in a hut in the forrest, and has aged 27 years!

All will be revealed when the movie is released on 23rd October 2019.

The BBFC have given the film a 15 rating for strong violence, bloody images, language while it has a runtime of 128 minutes (2 hours and 8 Minutes), the movie was passed uncut.

BBFC film link

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