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Film of the Day: Man On the Moon


Spies In Disguise is given a PG age rating in the UK for mild violence, threat, rude humour

Spies In Disguise is given a PG age rating in the UK for mild violence, threat, rude humour

Robert Hyde

Spies In Disguise
Will Smith and Karen Gillan lend their vocal talents to animated comedy Spies In Disguise which has been given a PG rating in the UK.

PG Certificate

The story centres around the countries top spy being turned into a pigeon and then has to rely on his nerdy tech officer to run the show until he can be turned back?

The film has been given a PG certificate in the UK for mild violence, threat, rude humour and the movie has a runtime of 101 minutes (1 hour and 41 minutes), the film was passed uncut.

The film has a release date in the UK of December 26th and Christmas day in the US.

BBFC info page

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