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Fast And Furious Presents Hobbs And Shaw is given a 12A age rating in the UK for moderate violence, infrequent strong language

Fast And Furious Presents Hobbs And Shaw is given a 12A age rating in the UK for moderate violence, infrequent strong language

Robert Hyde

Fast and Furious Presents Hobbs and Shaw
The Fast And Furious series has generated Billion of dollars at the global box office so a spin off series was always going to happen, and the first, Fast & Furious Presents Hobbs and Shaw gets a 12A age rating in the UK.

12A Certificate

The film stars series favourites Dwayne Johnson and Jason Statham who must face off agains a super powered villain Idris Elba.

The BBFC have given the film a 12A rating for moderate violence, infrequent strong language and it has a runtime of 136 minutes (2 hours 16 Minutes) and it is released in the UK on 1st August 2019.

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