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Jay And Silent Bob Reboot gets a 15 age rating in the UK for strong language, sex references, drug misuse, nudity

Jay And Silent Bob Reboot gets a 15 age rating in the UK for strong language, sex references, drug misuse, nudity

Robert Hyde

Jay and Silent Bob Reboot
From the first film Kevin Smith made back in 1994 the characters of Jay And Silent Bob have been a staple, and their reboot movie gets a BBFC age rating of 15.

15 certificate

Their first movie Jay And Silent Bob Strike Back was release back in 2001 so it was about time the film series got a reboot.

The film is directed by Kevin Smith as well as being written by him and starring him, it also stars Jason Mews.

The movie has been given a 15 age rating for strong language, sex references, drug misuse, nudity and has a runtime of 105 minutes (1 hours and 45 minutes) and the film was passed uncut.

The film is released in the UK on 29th November 2019

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