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Film of the Day: The Da VInci Code


The live action The Lion King becomes the highest grossing animated movie of all time, sort of!

The live action The Lion King becomes the highest grossing animated movie of all time, sort of!

Robert Hyde

The Lion King
The new version of Disney's The Lion King has grossed $1.33 Billion globally and unofficially overtaken Frozen as the highest grossing animated movie of all time, but it all depends on your perspective of an animated movie?


Frozen became the top animated movie in 2013 when its global gross reached $1.27 Billion at the box office, the film is a traditional animated movie created by a team of animaters at Disney.

The new version of The Lion King is being marketed by Disney as a live action version of its classic 1994 movie of the same name, live action suggesting that it was filmed in africa and uses real lions, but of course this is far from the truth.

In reality what makes it live action is that the techniques used to make the film were the same as film makers use to make rela life movies, but just about everything you see on screen is created on a computer using CGI, except for one scene which director Jon Favreau jokes was added to see if audiences could tell the difference.

Jurassic Park

Interestingly when one of the first movies to be released which used realistic CGI extensively, 1993's Jurassic Park, many people wondered how long it would be before we got the first realistic all CGI movie would be, the answer is 26 years!

The debate will go on, is this kind of movie is considered real life or animated, and I think for the time being we can give Frozen the crown as top grossing animated movie, but the line between real life and animation is more than definitely blurring.

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