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Sony and Lovefilm sign a digital distribution deal

Sony and Lovefilm sign a digital distribution deal

Robert Hyde

Sony Internet Tv
Sony and online DVD/Blu-ray rental company Lovefilm have today announced that it will be delivering movies via the internet to owners of Sony internet TV's.

In the same week that bricks and mortar video rental company Blockbuster announce that unless they have an injection of cash they will go bankrupt, one of the more successful online rental companies announce a deal that could amount to the final nail in the video shop coffin.

Movie rentals via the likes of the Playstation Network via a Playstation 3 or XBox Live via an XBox 360 have been with us for a while and proved successful, the internet TV delivers is in essence an extenuation of this.

Samsung are also in negations to offer a similar service and as people replace their TV's the replacement will most likely be internet enabled allowing the service to grow in time.

Is this another example of the physical media being a thing of the past, in the future will our film collection be in the "cloud" and we stream the movie when we want to watch it, will our film collections be Lovefilms catalogue?

I personally still like the idea of physical media, it's still fun and exciting, maybe I'm just an old fossil that needs to accept the future?

Whatever happens it looks like the video shop is going to be a thing of the past, no-one knows this more that Blockbuster Video the once king of the rental market who didn't move with the times and will go bust by the end of the year. As a former employee of the company I cant help but feel sad about that.

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