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Martin Scorsese film The Irishman is given a 15 age rating in the UK for strong violence, language

Martin Scorsese film The Irishman is given a 15 age rating in the UK for strong violence, language

Robert Hyde

The Irishman
Master of cinema Martin Scorsese has made his new film under the Netflix streaming service but it gets a small cinema release window and the BBFC have given it a 15 age rating in the UK.

15 Certificate

The film has Scorsese going back to his gangster crime roots and also has his first team up with Robert De Niro in many years.

Another couple of big events for the film, it is the first time Joe Pesci has appeared in a starring role since his retirement in the early 00's and it teams Robert De Niro with Al Pacino for only the 3rd time.

The BBFC have given the film a 15 rating for strong violence, language and the film has a runtime of 208 Minutes (3 hours and 28 minutes), the movie was passed uncut.

You can see The Irishman in cinemas on November 1st and on Netflix streaming from November 27th.

BBFC film link

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