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The Addams Family (animation 2019) is given a PG age rating in the UK for mild comic threat, language

The Addams Family (animation 2019) is given a PG age rating in the UK for mild comic threat, language

Robert Hyde

The Addams Family
The new animated version of The Addams Family is a given a PG rating by the BBFC in the UK.

PG age rating

The last time The Addams Family hit cinema screens was in 1993 in Addams Family Values which ws a follow up the the hit film The Addams Family starring Angelica Houston and the late Raul Julia.

Taking the starring roles and lending their voices this time are Oscar Isaac and Charlize Theron as Gomes and Morticia Addams.

The BBFC have given the animation a PG rating for mild comic threat, language and it has a runtime of 86 minutes (1 hour and 26 minutes) and the movie was passed uncut.

The film has a release date of 25th October 2019, just in time for Halloween!

BBFC film link

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