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Film of the Day: It's a Very Merry Muppet Christmas Movie


Last Christmas has been given a 12A age rating in the UK for moderate sex references, language

Last Christmas has been given a 12A age rating in the UK for moderate sex references, language

Robert Hyde

Last Christmas
Directed by Paul Feig who's last film was A Simple Favour in 2018 brings us Last Christmas which has been given a 12A age rating in the UK.

12A certificate

The film stars Emilia Clarke and Emma Thompson and follows a shop worker who always makes bad decision until she meets a new man while working in the shop who changes the direction of her life.

With a screenplay and story co-witten by Emma Thompson this could be the comedy hit of the holiday season and with the film feature music from the late George Michael, including new material not heard before, its a Christmas classic in the making.

The BBFC have given the film a 12A rating for moderate sex references, language and the film has a runtime of 102 minutes (1 hours 42 minutes) and will be released on the 15th November 2019.

BBFC film link

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