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Terminator rights sold, but not to a studio?

Terminator rights sold, but not to a studio?

Robert Hyde

The Terminator
When you think that The Terminator stands of one of the best cinematic series of all time, and despite part 3 not being great the rights to Terminator and all that may have it's name attached have just been sold for as little as $30 million.

What's also surprising is that despite 2 big film studios/distribution companies bidding for the right, Sony and Lionsgate, the sale goes to holdings company Pacificor, but this seems more like a financial agreement rather than a purchase.

Previous rights holders Halcyon have been having money troubles, probably because of Terminator Salvation, and this sale will clear their debts, although they will still get $5 million from and further Terminator movies made and revenue from Terminator 3 and Salvation sales.

Ironically it seems that Sony, who have had international distribution on Terminator movies, are not out of the picture just yet as it's been reported that Pacificor may yet sell the rights to them?

Salvation was supposed to have been the start of a new trilogy, and there are still stories to tell in this series, but like other films that Orion Films made in the 80's and 90's copyright has been an issue getting in the way.

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