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Milking the current trend Star Wars Episode 1 is to get a 3D theatrical release in 2012

Milking the current trend Star Wars Episode 1 is to get a 3D theatrical release in 2012

Robert Hyde

Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace
A Long Time Ago in a Galaxy Far Far Away a prequel to a successful franchise of films came out and on the whole massively disappointed fans, and that film was a conventional film in what has been the traditional 2D, the the film maker was unhappy with that like many of his previous films and wanted it in 3D, and in 2012 he will get his wish.

Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace

Put another was Lucasfilms has announced that the first Episode of Star Wars, as in The Phantom Menace will get its 3D theatrical debut on February 10th 2012. The press release doesn't specify location but I suspect the UK release on or around the same time.

Back in 1997, 20 years after the original Star Wars came out, Lucas pushed the cash cow back into cinemas with updated special effect that he claimed gave the vision closer to what he wanted to do in 1977. Now 12 years after the release of The Phantom Menace he has converted in to 3D, and the other 5 films are bound to follow.

As Star Wars fans now understand, we haven't seen Star Wars, any 6 of the films, in reality yet, the narrative of the film wont change again, but we will have to, about every 10 � 15 years or so, re-experience the series using greater technology.

Remember that also this year we have the Blu-ray versions of the films coming that will give us the most visually stunning version of the films to date which can go on the selves along with the original VHS release, the re-mastered video release, the ultimate box set, the special edition VHS release, the original DVD releases, the re-releases with the original theatrical versions (did I miss any) and so on and so on, actually I have already made space on my shelf for the 3D Blu-ray box set.

So for now, until we get holographic cinema, the 3D version of the 6 film saga are set to be released in cinemas starting February 10th 2012, see you there.

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