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Film of the Day: When I Saw You


Junior 2023

No cover art for Junior
 122 minutes (2 hrs 02 mins)
Cast and Director

Directed by

Harman Dhillon


Kabir Bedi / Amiek Virk / Kabir Singh / Yograj Singh / Srishti Jain / Rony Singh / Chirag Gill / Pardeep Cheema / Ajay Jethi / Karan Gaba
Release dates
India release date India release: 18th August 2023
Box Office Quickview

UK box office

  • Debut box office: 18th Aug '23
  • Debut position: 47
  • Highest position: 47
  • Debut gross: £690
  • Total chart weeks: 1

15 age rating


Total grosses
UK total gross
United Kingdom Flag  £690
US total gross
United States Flag  $0
Global total gross
Global Flag  $0
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News from around the web

Celebrated director Web Anderson brings his next movie to the big screen in the shape of the intriguingly titled Asteroid City which has been given a 12A age rating in the UK for suicide references, brief nudity, moderate bad language.

As always with Wes Anderson movies there is a whole host of big names, which this time is headed up by Jason Schwartzman who has previously appeared in The Marc Pease Experience and I Heart Huckabees, it also stars Scarlett Johansson who has previously starred in Ghost In the Shell~2017 and The Horse Whisperer.

Wes Anderson has previously directed The Darjeeling Limited, Fantastic Mr. Fox and Moonrise Kingdom.

Movie Synopsis

World-changing events spectacularly disrupt the itinerary of a Junior Stargazer/Space Cadet convention in an American desert town circa 1955.

BBFC certificate breakdown.

  • Title: Asteroid City
  • BBFC age rating: 12A Certificate
  • Reason: suicide references, brief nudity, moderate bad language
  • Release date: 26th June 2023
  • Runtime: 105 minutes (1 hour 45 minutes)
  • The movie is being released into movie theatres
  • Directed by:
    • Wes Anderson
  • Starring:
    • Jason Schwartzman
    • Scarlett Johansson
    • Tom Hanks

BBFC movie page

A new poster has been released for upcoming movie Asteroid City which can seen in full if you scroll down this page.

Movie breakdown

  • The movie is directed by Wes Anderson
  • It stars Margot Robbie and Tom Hanks among others.
  • And has a release date in the UK of 23rd June 2023
  • While the North American release date is set for 23rd June 2023

Synopsis for Asteroid City

The itinerary of a Junior Stargazer convention is spectacularly disrupted by world-changing events.

Check out the Salty Popcorn movie page for more information on this upcoming film.

After 2 very successful junior years of its life happily pleasing kids on the small screen the over hyped machine know as High School Musical is this years film, High School Musical 3: Senior Year, is graduating to the big screen and getting a theatrical release, and probably bigger budget, before TV or DVD.

Disney probably didn't see this coming (or did they?) when a couple of year ago they decided to basically remake the phenomenally successful Grease for a modern day audience. It's not a direct remake, but between the 3 films there will be the essence of the Grease story in there, hidden but evident.

This isn't a bad thing of course I'm a huge fan of Grease and having an 8 year old daughter who is more than a little bit of a HSM fan I've had the "fortune" of sitting through both movies a number of times, and to be fair they are not that bad, it's good story telling with likeable characters and half decent acting, I'd rather have her watching his than a lot of the other things on telly

The trailer for the 3rd movie has just gone up at disney.co.uk, and it looks like it's more of the same, good or bad? Who knows, but it's safe to say the hype starts here.