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Film of the Day: The Passion of Remembrance


Only Yesterday 1991

Only Yesterday
 118 minutes (1 hrs 58 mins)
Cast and Director

Directed by

Isao Takahata


Miki Imai / Toshiro Yanagiba / Yoko Honna / Mayumi Izuka / Mei Oshitani / Megumi Komine / Yukiyo Takizawa / Masashi Ishikawa / Yuuki Masuda / Michie Terada
Release dates
US release date US release: 26th February 2016
Box Office Quickview

US box office

  • Box Office debut: 1st Jan '16
  • Debut position: 51
  • Highest position: 51
  • Debut gross: $15 Thousand
  • Total chart weeks: 2

PG age rating
Total grosses
UK total gross
United Kingdom Flag  £0
US total gross
United States Flag  $32.9 Thousand
Global total gross
Global Flag  $0
25thframe.co.uk stats
News from around the web

I suppose we should have seen it coming, and really it's as no real surprise in the current cinema trend, and box office, that Warner Bros. announce that Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Part I and II) will be in 3D.

2010 really is going to be the year that 3D took hold of the world cinema market with many films being announced as being made in 3D, only yesterday it was Gremlins and there are rumors of Ghostbusters as well.

Who knows this could all work, it's being limited to big Hollywood blockbusters which in their nature are big special effects extravaganza that can maybe lend themselves to 3D market.

Is it a phase or will it all end by the middle of the century, only time will tell, but we could look on this in 10 years are know that those 3D films in your collection are from the 2010 - 2012 period of cinema history, and you can view them on the expensive 3D equipment that you bought. Or maybe not?