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Film of the Day: The Watched


Sole 2022

No cover art for Sole
Cast and Director

Directed by


Olivia Grace Applegate / James Black / Jeffrey Larson / Chelsie Hightower / Chadwick Hopson / Jyllian Petrie / Brian Flaccus / Demetrius Daniels / Cherie Julander / Ashley Murray
Total grosses
UK total gross
United Kingdom Flag  £0
US total gross
United States Flag  $0
Global total gross
Global Flag  $0
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News from around the web

The first teaser poster for the forthcoming Star Trek reboot sequel Into Darkness has been release, and what a fantastic poster.

Featuring a sole figure looking out onto a city from inside a hole in side of some wreckage. What is the weckage, is it a building, is it the enterprise? Who is the figure, is it Kirk? Look closer at the hole, it's in the shape of the famous starfleet logo. Is that a futuristic London you can see in the distence? The Gherkin is there and the London Eye, are we in for a more grounded film this time, and based in London, the bad guy is British? Is that who's standing on the pile of rubble?

To see the a bigger poster, check below or for a really big one check here.

Many many question, what is known if that this is a great poster and if this lives up to the origianl reboot it'll be a great film.

The full cast and director JJ Abrams return next year on May 17th, although there will be a nine minute trailer with The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey.

This week is a big week in the gaming world, the annual E3 (Electronic Entertainment Expo) conference is taking place in LA, a conference when all the big players in the gaming industry boast about their year and give loose forecasts of new games coming to their platforms for the following year.

The Expo is also a platform for new hardware, and although 2 of the big players, Microsoft and Sony, only had hardware to show off in the form of additions to existing hardware or revamped current hardware, industry leader Nintendo had a small ace up it's sleeve.

Nintendo by far has and does rule the hand held market and this year they are releasing a sequel to their best selling Nintendo DS handheld gaming console. The new twist on the console it that it has a 3 inch 3D top screen as well as the small bottom touch screen, and adding another twist the 3D screen does not require glasses.

All's well so far, all game news so far, what makes this even more interesting is that Nintendo has signed a deal with the likes of Warner Bros. and Disney to release movies in 3D on the device, not that raises the game even more.

On display in LA at the expo in form of a demonstration of this is Dreamworks How to Train Your Dragon, a recent 3D animated film, and although the 3D effect takes a little getting used to it works, but only for depth, which as James Cameron, director of Avatar, says is a large part of 3D, it's not all about things flying out of the screen at you.

This is exciting news, one which I expect will be used mainly by kinds, hence the studios involved and the kinds of films they are releasing. If proved successful this could pave the way for greater things, another example of the games industry leading the way of the films industry.