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Film of the Day: Angels and Demons


The Body 2012

No cover art for The Body
 112 minutes (1 hrs 52 mins)
Cast and Director

Directed by


Jose Coronado / Hugo Silva / Belén Rueda / Aura Garrido / Miquel Gelabert / Juan Pablo Shuk / Oriol Vila / Carlota Olcina / Patricia Bargallo / Mia Esteve
Release dates
Brazil release date Brazil release: 21st December 2012
Spain release date Spain release: 21st December 2012
Italy release date Italy release: 21st December 2012

15 age rating




Total grosses
UK total gross
United Kingdom Flag  £0
US total gross
United States Flag  $0
Global total gross
Global Flag  $0
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The BBFC is the independant body in the UK which governs the age rating certificates given to movies released on the UK at the cinema or on home video.

The body has been around since 1912 and has established itself as the guideline to what is suitable for viewing by what age groups.

Despite originally being just for cinema the Video Recordings Act 1984 (VRA) sat the classification turn to video cassettes as the boom on home video took off in the mid to late 80's.

We not live in a digital age where Video On Demand (VoD) and streaming services have become the norm and so the BBFC have decided to update their symbols to more reflect the digital age and they have updated their guidelines to reflect the new viewing habits.

Netflix in the UK have also decided to adopt these new guidelines so you will see the BBFC symbols and explanation of the age restriction when you log into your account after October 31st.

The BBFC are an important body for giving parents and yourself a fair and balanced view of a movies content before watching.

Sorry about the pun! To mark the release of the full Star Wars Saga on Blu-ray for the first time BT turned the BT Tower into a giant Lightsaber, and pretty cool it looked too.

As luck would have it the body of the tower does resemble the handle of a Star Wars Light Saber, so they then projected a very powerful light from the top to get the effect.

Turning on the Lightsaber was the man behind C-3PO Anthony Daniels and the party that took place at the top of the tower was attended by many other stars from the saga.

If you feel you need to get the Blu-ray version of the films, with all the new changes that have happened over the past 40 years then you can buy it via Amazon.co.uk.

Check out the picture and video below to see the tower in action.