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Peter Jackson introduces the first Hobbit video diary on Facebook

Peter Jackson introduces the first Hobbit video diary on Facebook

Robert Hyde

The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey
Production is currently underway on the two Hobbit films and as you'd maybe expected there is a video blog/diary being made following the production. The first is up at the Peter Jackson Facebook page and I really do urge you to go and watch it, it really is brilliant, http://www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=10150223186041807&oid=141884481557&comments

The video is a very generous 10 minutes of pure brilliance presented by Jackson himself, how he finds the time is anyone's guess. He takes you on a tour of some of the sets that have been reproduced from the original Lord of the Rings trilogy 12 years ago as well as teases some new sets.

We get to see a get together of the cast on the first day of filming on the Bag End set, see a dozen full sized actors gather around a Hobbit kitchen table, and we get to see returning actors Ian McKellen and Andy Serkis.

It always amazes me when I see things like this how much work clearly goes into the post production of films of this magnitude to get the sets looking so stunning, the sets looks amazing don't get me wrong, but when you see the finished product with all the lighting and post production polish they look simply stunning.

Have a look at this making of video as it really in incredible, and start praying for the rest of this year and next year to go as fast as possible because these films are going to be brilliant, and if you had any doubts about Jackson directing the films just take a moment to take in the guys enthusiasm about the production, I'm so glad he's in charge.


What did you think? Is this a very generous 10 minutes to get us in the mood for the film? Or 10 minutes of pure hype?

UPDATE: You can now see the video on YouTube, or embedded below, enjoy

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